Saturday, August 18, 2012


The sun gently lights the air and a soft breeze blows the trees to the left. You know it's about that time, so you tell those two to meet you at the picnic table. Looking into the box, you take the last three good ones out because today is perfect for their savory sweetness. You pour coffee into that big mug before sliding into your shoes and walking into the echoes of the yellow corridor. You kick the corridor door out of the way because the door will swing to the right, releasing everything into the Sun. Slowly walking with coffee in one hand and cigars in the other, the body moves confidently but lackadaisically. Looking out into the campus, you sit not on the seat of the picnic table but on the actual table to create an air of relentless dignity. Soon one of them walks around from the building on the right and the other repeats your trail in his own nature. You hand them each a cigar, and everyone lights up, settles down, and looks out to the campus. Followed by slow sips, smoke moves freely from the mouth and into the air, consuming everything in its path. Everything must be done slowly.

Friday, August 17, 2012


You love whisky, you say?
For warmth?

Then you are weak.
You have no

How a man respects another
for his integrity,
his strength.
Shit, that's how
you love whisky.

Visiting (the arrival)

I was in the backseat, hoping those two in the front would be impressed by those bronze legs propping up her tight, shapely body and smiling face. I was excited but uncertain of what to do so I walked up to her and gave her a kiss. It was awkward and she was embarrassed because the two had not driven off yet. I tried to be nonchalant but collided with her body as I tried to take her car keys from her hand.

As I drove her car to my apartment, I told her about the nature preserve and the structure of the campus. I grabbed her stuff from the trunk and brought her to my apartment. My roommate was sitting in the common room watching television or playing Final Fantasy and, as usual, gave his awkward introduction. I immediately offered a drink to both of them. I poured cognac for him and scotch for her.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Your Words

 I like how you
 to me,
 I like how you say
 I want to see you,
 I like it when you smile
 like that

 I'm mad at you 
 because you lied,
 because you said you won’t miss me

 How do you keep me so warm,
 How do you make me feel so good,
 How do you
 know me so well?